Month: November 2018

Bulls Podcast #17

We’ve got a lot in store for you this episode. Including the Post Game Wrap-up on the Bulls Vs Phoenix, Injury Update: Denzel out for the Season and a Rusty Roundtable Discussion on the State of The Bulls Welcome to the Bulls Podcast, coming to you from This is where we bring you the latest news, reviews,…

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Bulls Podcast #16

It’s the Chicago Bulls Podcast #16 hosted by Marcus Couch and Wyse Black with special guest Patrick Sheldon from blog. We cover post-game of the Bulls vs Celtics game, a rundown of injuries of Markkanen, Portis, Dunn and Valentine. We end it with a heated roundtable of where we are after 15 games. Time…

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Bulls Podcast #15

On today’s Chicago Bulls Podcast: Bulls Pick up player contract options on Valentine, Markannen and Dunn, Post Game Wrap-up on the Bulls Vs Denver and a Bulls Roundtable discussion on our current progress after 8 games. Welcome to the Bulls Podcast, coming to you from This is where we bring you the latest news, reviews,…

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