Bulls Podcast #17

We’ve got a lot in store for you this episode. Including the Post Game Wrap-up on the Bulls Vs Phoenix, Injury Update: Denzel out for the Season and a Rusty Roundtable Discussion on the State of The Bulls

Welcome to the Bulls Podcast, coming to you from BullsPodcast.com. This is where we bring you the latest news, reviews, rants, rumors and opinions on the players, coaches and front office of the Chicago Bulls.

Today we’re joined by one of the top Chicago sports YouTubers out there, avid Bulls fan and friend of the show. Mr. Rusty Buckets.

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Post Game Wrap-up on the Bulls Vs Phoenix

The Bulls took on Devin Booker, Deandre Ayton and the Phoenix Suns in a Wednesday night matchup. The Bulls WON the game with the score of 124-116.

Zach Lavine led all scorers with 29 points. He’s on a run to get that Most Improved Player award, and it looks like it’s his for the taking. Jabari Parker played a pretty decent game with 20 pts, 13 Rebounds and 8 assists, almost getting him into Triple Double territory.

All in all, a good win for the Bulls who have been on a losing streak lately. Most notable was the presence of DeAndre Ayton, who looks like he’ll grow into a very dominant center in the league after a few years of experience.

Bulls Injury Updates:

It was announced that Denzel Valentine will be out the rest of the season after he gets surgery later next week. He has been scheduled for a full ankle restoration surgery, which Denzel indicated is going to be just what the doctor ordered. He said he’s had ankle issues ever since entering the league, and it will be great to be 100% in the ankle department when he returns next season.

Hopefully Denzel heals up quick and can be back to playing form for the season opener.

Chandler Hutchison missed the Phoenix game due to back spasms, but it looks to be short-term and nothing that will keep him out of any games.

We’ve also got news that both Lauri Markkanen and Kris Dunn have been working out and hitting non-contact portions of practice. It looks like it will be another 2 weeks or so for both of them. There are rumblings that Lauri will be playing with the Windy City Bulls G-League team by late next week to get ready to make his comeback.

We’ll be lucky if Bobby Portis comes back by Christmas, as his injury has not healed as fast as Dunn’s has. I feel bad for Bobby, as it’s a contract year for him and this will mean he’s going to work much harder to get a good deal for next season, which is when you run a huge risk to re-injure yourself, or play in a reserved way so that you don’t injure yourself again. Either way, Bobby has a long uphill climb ahead of him.

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Roundtable Discussion


So is it time to tank? I think Gar/Pax have probably been watching Duke basketball, as I have all season so far. In my opinion it’s time to submarine this team and hit the tank button. Once again we are in a post-season fight with the Cavs, but this time it’s to see who can suck the most and get the coveted #1 pick to grab RJ or Zion. Are we all buckled in and prepared to make a race to the bottom, or should we try to stay competitive to attract free agent talent?

Free Agents: Who would we like?

It’s strange to have to think about this with less than 20 games played this season, but we all know the Jabari Parker experiment is a total failure. That gives us $20 million, with Asik’s 12 million and Robin Lopez’ 14.5 million, we seem to be in a really great position to bring in not one, but TWO max contract players to the roster next year.

Rusty, I know you’ve had a recent video where you have said that Kevin Durant would actually be smart to come to the Chicago Bulls to cement his legacy with a championship of his own. We may even be able to lure Klay Thompson to come along with him!

Others have mentioned Kyrie could be lured away from Boston despite his public affirmation that he wants to stay in Boston. Especially if they don’t get past the first or second round of the playoffs. Let’s remember last season where the Celtics darn near went to the Finals WITHOUT Kyrie or Heyward. So there is a chance he will sign somewhere else.

I don’t see a lot of Free Agents that want to team up with LeBron. As we’ve said previously on this podcast. It’s more likely that a player wants to play AGAINST Lebron than join him and all the drama it creates.

We want to thank Rusty Buckets  for joining us tonight. You can find Rusty over at the Rusty Buckets YouTube channel and on Twitter at @RustyBuckets321. We’ll have a link to both of those over at BullsPodcast.com.

Until next time, Thanks for listening everyone, Go Bulls!